Specializing in Speech Therapy, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, Before & After Care of Lip and Tongue Ties, Tongue Thrust, Feeding Therapy, Infant Feeding/Lactation Counseling, and Breathing Education
At OroFacialTx, we examine and treat patients whose lips, tongue, cheeks, and/or jaw have underlying deficits. These deficits may affect the growth and development of communication, dentition, the swallow technique, and nasal breathing leading to the need for our specialties.
Services Offered

Sue Merino M.A., CCC-SLP, COM®
Andrea Butler M.S., CCC-SLP, CLC®
As Master Level Clinicians Certified by the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association and licensed by the state of Texas, Sue Merino and Andrea Butler’s priority is to provide individual treatment plans to fit their patients’ needs.
